The hidden secret healing powers of laughing.
By Mike Moore
Laughter isn't just fun and enjoyable, it's good for our health. Each month modern medicine is discovering more about the therapeutic dimension of humour and laughter and is encouraging us to add them to our wellness program.
the health benefits of laughter
When we laugh we ...
- Alleviate depression;
- Lower our blood pressure;
- Promote relaxation;
- Reduce stress;
- Increase the oxygen level in our blood, giving us more energy;
- Increase the endorphin activity in our body resulting in a sense of well being;
- Are able to keep things in perspective;
- Banish boredom;
- Are more socially attractive - people enjoy being with those who laugh easily and often; and
- Immeasurably increase our enjoyment of life.
Laughter has been called social glue because it bonds us to the people we laugh with. The message is clear: To live better ... laugh more.
If it feels good to laugh then laugh to feel good.